019 A Plea To Hiring Managers

By | July 30, 2015

In a plea to hiring managers I discuss an article written by Katelyn LaGarde entitled How Top Candidates Really Feel About Recruiters: 5 Brutally Honest Lessons. Katelyn attended industry sourcing conference SourceCon and talks about a panel that included five ideal candidates spoke about their experiences with recruiters – what they do right, what they do wrong and much more. It’s a candidate-driven market. Applicants are becoming more social media savvy. The combination allows those potential hires to pick and choose where they want to work. One of the biggest eye openers is the fact that members of the panel divulged that they talk to their family, friends and past colleagues about job opportunities. Recruiters are not a source for them highlighting the fact that recruiters need the manager’s help. Where do you think the value of your recruiter lies? It should be finding people for your  position, but they’re buried in administrative tasks that prevent them from providing a great value to you. Have a listen.

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